This is a pic of Julia right after waking up this morning. I posted this picture for 2 reasons; 1) It's too cute not to 2) It serves as proof that Julia has inherited Grandpa Lee's crazy hair. Just kidding Dad!
Julia is so cute! I'm really sad that we haven't been able to get together but I know we both have such busy lives especially now with two little ones. Wyatt is absolutely perfect as well. You guys make pretty babies! Anyway, if and when you get a chance we should get together at one of our houses. Take care
This is the story and progress of a brave little girl who is a former 28 week preemie and her full term baby brother Wyatt. Julia was born 9/3/06 weighing 2lbs 6ozs and measured 15 inches. She has endured 2 shunt surgeries, 2 bowel surgeries, 1 eye alignment surgery, and a seizure disorder (infantile spasms). We still have obstacles to overcome indeed, but she was come along way and proved many doctors wrong much to their & our delight regarding her long term prognosis. We are very fortunate to have both of them. We love you Julia & Wyatt!!
Julia is so cute! I'm really sad that we haven't been able to get together but I know we both have such busy lives especially now with two little ones. Wyatt is absolutely perfect as well. You guys make pretty babies! Anyway, if and when you get a chance we should get together at one of our houses. Take care